Thursday, 31 May 2012


By now you've no doubt heard that a surgeon in Florida, Dr. Adam Ostrzenski, has claimed to have found the first anatomical evidence of the controversial G-spot. In a study published online in The Journal of Sexual Medicine, Dr. Ostrzenski details his finding of the disputed female pleasure zone deep inside the front vaginal wall of a recently deceased 83-year-old Polish woman.

But while Ostrzenski's study has given rise to loud cheers of "Finally!" in some quarters, others have taken a more skeptical view of his findings. A commentary on the study by three sexual health experts (including Dr. Beverly Whipple, co-author of the groundbreaking 1982 book The G Spot and Other Recent Discoveries About Human Sexuality) also published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine is pretty scathing in its critique.

"We submit that the author's claim to have discovered 'the' G-spot does not fulfill the most fundamental scientific criteria," the experts write. They go on to say that Ostrzenski is lacking the evidence to prove his claim and that "In the absence of such evidence, it is not valid for the author to claim more than that he has identified a possible anatomic constituent of whatever is 'the G-spot' — a still scientifically unresolved issue."

So what's the deal here? Is this the classic case of a man claiming he's found a woman's G-spot, only to be told, "That's not it!" The truth appears to be, well, confusing.

A Narrow View of Sexual Pleasure?

The commentators in The Journal of Sexual Medicine appear to be willing to grant Ostrzenski that the structure he is calling the G-spot is possibly something significant. But they also say his reducing the G-spot to one discrete anatomical structure "betrays the rich complexity of what others have appreciated and characterized as the G-spot — a variable anatomical and functional zone of erotogenic complexity, not a single structural entity." In essense, they're saying what he may have found is just a part of the G-spot, but not its entirety.

The commentators' wariness about narrowly defining zones of female sexual pleasure is echoed in a blog post about Ostrzenski's study on Kinsey Confidential, the sexual health and information website of the famed Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction. In the post, doctoral candidate Kristen Mark warns against "hype around the existence of the G-spot as the central pleasure point," saying such focus could result in an increase in dodgy, and dangerous, medical procedures claiming to enhance women's G-spot function. Mark also makes the very reasonable sounding point that instead of researchers desperately trying to hit the G-spot, "more emphasis should be placed on the diversity found in women's sexual pleasure and directed away from one anatomical structure being responsible for pleasure."

Still, given the decades-long debate on the G-spot, and the fact that several sexual health experts (including our own Dr. Laura Berman), not to mention women the world over, swear it exists, it seems unlikely the search will stop anytime soon.

Found fantasies, hot and steamy woman

Need a little help getting your fantasy life going? Here are 10 hot and steamy stories to get you started. And remember, fantasy comes from relaxing and letting your mind wander!

1. Sexual Submission
Women often imagine themselves being ravaged and taken control of — it doesn't mean you want it in your real sex life, but it's fun to entertain the idea. Fantasize about someone powerful having his way with you sexually. Maybe there are blindfolds or restraints. Maybe you're taken by surprise!

2. Voyeuristic Sex
You're being watched while you're having sex, maybe being forced to have sex in front of other people. You might also be the one spying on someone else having sex. Anyone, a stranger or someone you know, can be the subject of this fantasy. You would be ashamed — maybe ruined — if anyone ever found out. But that's exactly what makes it so good!

3. Knight in Shining Armour
This is the romantic's fantasy. Your perfect man courts you, seduces you, and makes you feel everything you've ever desired. He treats you in all of the ways your partner does not. He pampers you, understands you, and totally worships you. He also makes all of your sexual fantasies come true, without your even asking.

4. Being a "Bad" Girl
Women who follow all the rules in daily life may dream of letting the bad girl out to play. Maybe you strip for a roomful of men or seduce a man you've just met for casual sex. You're aggressive, and you go after who and what you want with no apologies!

5. Taking Control
Many women dream of taking charge in their favorite sexual fantasies. You could be a dominatrix leading a man back to your hideout and planning to make him your sex slave. You'll tie him up until he promises to be submissive, and then you'll tell him when, where, and how to touch you.

6. Sex With an Ex
Do you, like many other women, have an ex who rocked your world sexually or who loved you and left you (giving him a permanent place in the land of unresolved relationships)? Imagine running into him unexpectedly and beginning a passionate affair — because the sex is still that good.

7. Girl-on-Girl
It's you and the woman of your dreams. Whether Angelina Jolie is your idea of a hot babe or you'd rather make someone up, fantasizing about lesbian sex is especially appealing for women who've never actually experienced it. Imagine what her female body feels like (so different from your partner's) and how you'll stimulate each other.

8. Group Sex
Everything from an orgy to a threesome falls into this category. Maybe you're watching a group of other people have sex. What about having a threesome with two guys? Two girls? A guy and a girl? You kiss one person but your hands are on another. Anything goes!

9. Sex on the Beach
You're on vacation, so everything is tropical and lazy. You've met someone intoxicating and you're having sex on the hot sand, the water about to crash onto you. Sex has never been so good! You're in paradise, but you know it has to end.

10. Kinky Sex
Dreaming of something even more outrageous? This is the fantasy about your deepest desires — the ones you would probably never share with anyone — but that arouse you and provoke you. Maybe they are desires that go against all of your morals, or are even societal taboos. Use your imagination. No one has to know.


The people of the world having once been deceived, suspect deceit in truth itself.

"To me, fair friend, you never can be old. For as you were when first your eye I eyed. Such seems your beauty still." Said Shakespeare, but to me, living beauty is all about the abundance of effort we put into life.

Act, don't react!
This body, full of faults, has yet one great quality: Whatever it encounters in this temporal life depends upon one's actions. Singleness of purpose is one of the chief essentials for success in life, no matter what may be one's aim. If you chase two rabbits, both will escape.


To get a broad range of nutrients in your diet, enjoy a variety of foods, rather than sticking to your favourites. This is particularly important with vegetables and fruits, as their nutrient profiles vary greatly. To obtain the many antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients, eat a variety of plant foods every day. Experiment with new foods and recipes, and try to reintroduce previously disliked foods.

We are the prisoners of ideas. Valor, glory, firmness, skill, generosity, steadiness in life and ability to live, to me constitute the duty of a determined personality.


Your caloric requirements are dependent upon your age, gender, height, weight, and activity level.
Those engaged in vigorous physical activity or who are pregnant or lactating have increased calorie requirements. To figure out how many calories you should consume from carbohydrates, fat, and protein, consider the ranges set out by the IOM. They recommend that adults get 45–65 percent of their calories from carbohydrates, 20–35 percent from fat, and 10–35 percent from protein.

Let us move from the era of confrontation to the era of negotiation.


Overeating can lead to obesity, high triglycerides, insulin resistance, free radical damage, and shortened life expectancy. To prevent overeating, control your portion sizes and eat slowly. A serving equals one piece of fruit, 1 cup of raw or 1⁄2 cup of cooked vegetables, one slice of bread, 1⁄2 cup of cooked rice or pasta, or 2–3 oz. of meat. Eating slowly allows your stomach to send a message to your brain that you are full. Chew your food thoroughly and drink water to allow for proper digestion. It should take you 20–30 minutes to eat a meal.

We cannot really think in one way and act in another...


Try to eat every three hours—three small meals and two snacks daily. This will im- prove metabolism (calorie burning) and blood sugar balance, which improves energy and mood.
Breakfast is essential to fuel your body. If you aren’t very hungry in the morning, then have a light meal such as yogurt and berries or a protein shake. Try not to eat too late in the evening (after 8 p.m.), as this could impact sleep. Don’t skip meals, even if you are trying to lose weight, since this causes fatigue, poor concentration, sluggish metabolism, and triggers food cravings.


Water is essential to health—it helps regulate body temperature, removes wastes, and transports nutrients throughout the body. A lack of water causes dehydra- tion, which can be deadly. To keep your body well hydrated, drink 2–3 L of water daily. Water purified by reverse osmosis is best because tap water may contain high amounts of chlorine, which can be harmful to the stomach and bladder. Keep in mind that intense physical activity and heat exposure increases water loss and the need for more fluids.

When our knowing exceeds our sensing, we will no longer be deceived by the illusions of our senses.


Most Canadians are getting only a fraction of the recommended amount of fibre, which is 25–38 g daily for most adults. Fibre is critical because it can reduce your risk of chronic diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers, plus it keeps your bowels regular, improves blood sugar control, and plays a role in weight man- agement. Dietary fibre is found in fruits, vegetables, beans, seeds, and whole grains such as wheat and oat bran. If your diet is lacking in fibre, look for a supplement.


Salt (sodium) is necessary for health, as it helps maintain fluid balance and aids muscle and nerve function; however, most Canadians consume far too much salt and this can contribute to high blood pressure, especially in older individuals, African Americans, and those with diabetes and kidney disease. The IOM recommends adults consume 3.8 g of salt daily to replace the amount lost through sweat. The tolerable upper intake level (maximum recommended amount) is 5.8 g per day and most adults regularly consume more than this amount; we need to cut back.

What good is it if I talk in flowers while you're thinking in pastry?

There is naturally occurring salt in dairy, seafood, vegetables, breads, and grains; however, the majority of our salt intake comes from processed and prepared foods, such as deli meats, condiments (ketchup), dressings and sauces (soy), and snack foods (chips, pretzels), so cut back on these foods and season food with herbs or flavoured oils and vinegars rather than using the salt shaker.
Potassium is another important nutrient for regulating fluid balance. It is also important for nerve and muscle function and supports cell structure and integrity. The IOM recommends that adults consume at least 4.7 g of potassium per day to lower blood pressure, blunt the effects of salt, and reduce the risk of kidney stones and bone loss. Most Canadians consume much less than this recommended amount. To boost potassium intake, eat more bananas, oranges and orange juice, avocado, peaches, and tomatoes.


The typical adult consumes about 72.5 kg of sugar each year, which is clearly too much. Excessive sugar intake has been linked to diabetes, obesity, elevated triglycerides, tooth decay, poor immune function, emotional swings, and other health problems. Refined (white) sugar contains propyl alcohol, which cannot be broken down in the body. Accumulation of this chemical in the intestines can disrupt diges- tion and be toxic to the body.
The World Health Organization recommends restricting consumption of added sugar including sugar from honey, syrups, and sweetened drinks/juices to less than 10 percent of calories.

The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.

To satisfy a craving for sweets, have fruit (fresh or dried). Fruit contains natural sugar (fructose), but it also provides vitamins, minerals, and fibre. Mashed bananas or apple sauce are great substitutions for sugar in baked goods. Artificial sweeteners such as aspartame and saccharin should be avoided because they have been linked to headaches, mental illness, brain damage, and cancer. Stevia, a natural sweetener obtained from a plant, is a good substitute. It can provide up to 300 times the sweetening power of sugar without the calories.


A high intake of caffeine can promote calcium loss from bones, increase blood pressure, affect fertility in women, and cause sleep disturbances (insomnia), irritability, anxiety, and tremors. It is also highly addictive abrupt withdrawal, even if you drink only one cup of coffee daily, can cause headaches, irritability, and fatigue within hours of missing your usual drink.

The easiest thing to find on God's green earth is someone to tell you all the things you cannot do.

Drip coffee has the highest caffeine content at 100–200 mg. Black tea and green tea contain approximately 35–45 mg, but the effects of caffeine are blunted by an amino acid (theanine), which has a calming effect. Cola contains about 35 mg per can and chocolate contains 6–20 mg per 30 g piece. Try switching your coffee or cola to tea. If you need a coffee, then limit it to no more than 500 mL (2 cups) daily.


Heavy and chronic drinking (more than three drinks per day) is linked to liver and cardiovascular disease, pancreatitis, immune system depression, increased risk of cancer (esophagus, mouth, liver, breast, and colon), brain shrinkage, sexual dysfunction (impotence), infertility, and malnutrition. Alcohol and what it is mixed with floods the body with excess calories, which can contribute to weight gain.

Remember that when you meet your antagonist, to do everything in a mild agreeable manner. Let your courage be keen, but, at the same time, as polished as your sword.

There are some benefits with moderate alcohol consumption. Research has found that one or two drinks daily reduces the risk of heart disease, likely due to its ability to increase HDL (good) cholesterol, reduce blood clotting, and the increased antioxidant activity, as seen with red wine and dark beer. So the bottom line is to limit your intake to one or two drinks per day.


As you read through this chapter, you probably identified some areas where you need to make changes. This is the first step—realization. Next, work on slowly making healthier food choices, such as cutting out fast food, eating more vegetables, drinking more water, or limiting your sugar or caffeine intake. By gradually making changes, you will be more likely to stick with your nutritional plan. Take time to plan your meals, so that you are not reaching for fast food or unhealthy snacks.

Don’t get discouraged by an occasional overindulgence. If you have a bad diet day, don’t let it perpetuate. Get back on track the next day.

Consistency counts.
By following a healthy diet you will notice that you have more energy, a better mood, and an overall improved sense of well-being.

I have fought a good fight. I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. For surely everyone is born sincere and dies a deceiver.

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Knees up mother Brown...MUSIC HEALS

Life begins at 40 -- but so do fallen arches, rheumatism, faulty eyesight, and the tendency to tell a story to the same person, three or four times. But living and adopting music begins now, improving the quality of life at any stage, nevertheless the apathies after forty.

Almost everyone of us at a certain time, to a certain genre has or will fall in love with music. Most of us were breast fed with music as babies and literally as adults during love adventures.

Age withers only the outside, fill your inner most with music, let your spirit rejoice and remember the dead needs no physical attributes to enjoy the love of music.

Some do rhythmically dance or exercise to music and for pretty magic moments some do relax to it.

Music is every where, music will always remain a part of us. To fulfil the sentimental powers of music will be up to us, our choice, respect and obedience to the music we prefer.

We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of the dream. Wandering by lone sea breakers, and sitting by desolate streams. World losers and world forsakers, for whom the pale moon gleams. Yet we are movers and the shakers of the world forever it seems

Emotionally music we choose to hear can do us a lot more good than the usual sound we bounce to.

Research has revealed that music can do a lot more, healing wise, with it's powerful emotional and sentimental properties.

Oh Mockingbird have you ever heard words that I've never heard.

The new sound-sphere is global. It ripples at great speed across languages, ideologies, frontiers and races. The economics of this musical Esperanto is staggering. Rock and pop breed concentric worlds of fashion, setting and life-style. Popular music has brought with it sociologies of private and public manner, of group solidarity. The politics of Eden come loud.

Men having biopsies for prostate cancer are known to experience far less anxiety, stress and pain whilst listening to some smooth classical music during the procedure.

Research has shown that the brain releases a feel good chemical called dopamine when it hears stirring music and it revealed that the higher the levels of dopamine the less likely we feel pain or anxiety. Dopamine is actually a monoamine neurotransmitter found in the brain and essential for the normal functioning of the central nervous system.

Meditatively music can also have a calming effect by lowering heart rate and reducing the production of stress hormones in particularly sick people. Here are some published guides to help improve our health with our love for music.

Take cancer for example:
One of the traumatic aspects of breast cancer for any woman is to have a mastectomy which is the surgical removal of a breast.
It causes intense anxiety and often undermines a person's image of her femininity. However music can make a real difference. A study showed women who underwent music therapy were considerably less stressed and worried in the days immediately after their surgery than those who did not listen to music. Playing music during chemotherapy has been essential to some cancer centres, requesting for music in conditions like wise can take your mind off the effects of the toxic drugs.

I have no pleasure in any man who despises music. It is no invention of ours: it is a gift of God. I place it next to theology. Satan hates music: he knows how it drives the evil spirit out of us.

Music is the fourth great material want, first food, then clothes, then shelter, then music.

Tuesday, 29 May 2012


There are many factors that cause nutrient depletion, such as poor diet, stress, exercise, use of prescription drugs, environmental toxicity, and excessive alcohol intake. For many micronutrients, deficiency, inadequate intake or nutrient depletion is common relative to the RDA. This is why supplements are so important in making up for short comings in the diet and preventing deficiencies.

Share the good news on FIBROIDS

When a medical condition has several treatment options, with none being the best, it's welcome news to hear about a treatment with fewer side effects. That may be the case for a drug called ulipristal acetate. It's a new treatment for fibroid symptoms.

Fibroids in the uterus are very common. They occur in up to 75% of women. They are rubbery growths in the wall of the uterus. Fibroids are not cancerous.

The hormones estrogen and progesterone stimulate the growth of fibroids. Therefore, they tend to enlarge during a woman's child-bearing years, when the ovaries are still producing female hormones. When hormone levels fall after menopause, fibroids shrink.

Most women have no symptoms from fibroids. They might never know that they had them if they are small. Or a doctor could feel them during a pelvic exam or see them on an ultrasound done for some other reason.

About 25% of women have symptoms. The most common symptoms are discomfort in the pelvic area and irregular or heavy menstrual bleeding. The pain sometimes can be quite severe. And the heavy periods can lead to iron-deficiency anemia (a low red blood cell count).

Large fibroids can push on the bladder, causing a frequent urge to urinate. During pregnancy, very high levels of estrogen and progesterone can stimulate quicker growth of fibroids. This is linked with a greater than average risk of miscarriage.

African-American women are three times more likely to develop symptom-causing fibroids than women of other ethnic groups. Also, they typically do so at an earlier age.

No one knows exactly why fibroids form. Genes that speed up the growth of muscle cells in the uterus may play a role. Abnormal blood vessels in the uterus may also be involved. Clearly estrogen and progesterone play a major role in their growth, but that doesn't mean they cause fibroids to form.

If you have fibroids and no symptoms, no treatment is needed. If you do have symptoms, your doctor will consider your age and how severe your symptoms are. He or she will also want to know if you are planning future pregnancies. Fibroids can grow rapidly during pregnancy.

There are many ways to treat fibroids. You and your doctor will make the choice between medical and surgical options or one of the newer approaches.

If you're in your 40s and symptoms aren't severe, you may simply wait out your fibroids. They will likely shrink after menopause, and symptoms should go away.

Meanwhile, you can use over-the-counter painkillers. These include:

Acetaminophen (such as Tylenol)
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Ibuprofen (such as Motrin, Advil)
Naproxen (such as Aleve)
To treat the anemia caused by heavy bleeding, increase your iron intake through diet and an iron supplement.

No medicine can prevent fibroids or guarantee that they won't return. Right now, the primary medical option is injection with gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists. An example is leuprolide (Lupron), which was used in one of the new studies. These drugs are given as a monthly shot. They suppress estrogen production by the ovaries.

Without estrogen, fibroids shrink. But they usually grow back once the drug is stopped. Side effects, similar to those of menopause, are common.

Surgery to remove the uterus (hysterectomy) is the ultimate cure for fibroid symptoms. Your decision will depend largely on whether you might want more children or you are willing to wait for menopause.

Other options include:

Myomectomy -- This operation removes only the fibroids. It preserves the uterus.

Uterine artery embolization (also known as uterine fibroid embolization) -- A radiologist inserts a thin tube called a catheter through the skin into an artery in the groin. The catheter is pushed into the artery that feeds blood to the uterus. Sand-sized particles are injected into the uterine artery. The particles come together and cut off blood supply to the fibroids.

Magnetic resonance-guided intensity ultrasound -- This treatment works by heating and shrinking the fibroid with high-intensity ultrasound waves. MRI is used to see the fibroid and keep track of temperature changes in the uterus during the procedure. This is not widely available. It may not be covered by insurance.

This new drug ulipristal acetate sounds very promising as an alternative to hormone-blocking shots. It appears to work at least as well at shrinking fibroids and perhaps better. We don't know yet whether ulipristal can be used long-term as an alternative to surgery or other procedures. It is not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. It probably won't be approved for at least two more years.

Those who say it can't be done are usually interrupted by others doing it.

Monday, 28 May 2012


To be or not to be ...........................
The mark of a good action is that it appears inevitable in retrospect. So let us do or die.

Circumcision is one of those tough decisions. Some people say it has important health benefits. Others say that it is painful and harmful. Then add to the mix the religious aspects -- circumcision is an important ritual in the Jewish faith -- and cultural overtones -- such as boys who get made fun of in locker rooms. It's not difficult to see why the topic is controversial.


Enjoy your self, If one has to jump a stream and knows how wide it is, he will not jump. If he does not know how wide it is, he will jump, and many times out of ten he will make it. As much as human blood runs through you, don't stop.
Just as life has been, exactly it was meant to be, pain in every step we take. It was pain that always stood in our way, the aspect of life in itself an entity, that always come uninvited, pain is always manifested as an accident. Fortune knocks but once, but misfortune has much more patience. The longer the life the more the offense, the more the offense the more the pain, the more the pain the less defense and the less defense the less the gain and pain of the mind is even worse than the pain of the body, all the same everything hurts. Hail the pain and rejoice for pain is but a word, the feeling it brings is but a condition and no condition remains permanent, not even the painful and impregnable death.
Ever felt that kind of pain, when you lose a love one. Someone ever so lovely, you wished to have shared eternity with, just snatched out of this world, out of existence. Felt hurt through the bones, cracking the heart wide open and leaving the body susceptible to pain, if you can not gaze upon your beloved and burn in your heart with as equal a passion as burns in your loins, then the truth stands that the lack will not bring down loves bridge and let you cross over. . Our dead love ones still abound for us and bid us think of life, not death -- of life to which in their youth they lent the passion and glory of Spring. As I listen, the great chorus of life and joy begins again, and amid the awful orchestra of seen and unseen powers and destinies of good and evil, our trumpets, sound once more a note of daring, hope, and will. Hold on, tell none to rejoice, for this pain demands a life but they say the creator giveth and the creator taketh, not our love ones, to hell with death. Because there is not a pain so real. Don't be a fool for neither the sun nor death can be looked at with a steady eye.
Pain pays the income of each precious thing. Pain is not a disease, pain does not mean broken hearted and pain does not evolve as a result of an accident. There is no more lively sensation than that of pain; its impressions are certain and dependable, they never deceive as may those of the pleasure women perpetually feign and almost never experience. Pain is that which is but irreversible and unpardonable. Pain is death.
And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be nor more death, neither sorrow nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain. Till then, rejoice and don't be a fool for pain is human, human is death, death is pain.
We have inherited the past; we can create the future. Don't be a fool because pain can't destroy the future.

Sunday, 27 May 2012


Do not be intimidated by a smart person. It is easier to debate a smart person than to argue with an idiot.

Speaking of tests that aren't all they're cracked up to be, let's look at DNA testing. This is supposed to be the absolute silver bullet of criminal justice, an incontrovertible way to pin guilt on someone.

Ability without honor is useless.

After all, the chances of a mismatch are one in a billion, a quadrillion, a jillion! Some experts have testified under oath that a false Not quite. As he did with HIV testing, risk scholar Gerd Gigerenzer of the Max Planck Institute punches a hole in the matching of genetic material:
In the first blind test reported in the literature, three major commercial laboratories were each sent 50 DNA samples. Two of the three declared one false match; in a second test one year later, one of the same three laboratories declared a false match. From external tests conducted by the California Association of I Crime Laboratory Directors, the Collaborative Testing Services, and other agencies, the psychologist Jonathan Koehler and his colleagues estimated the false positive rate of DNA fingerprinting to be on the order of 1 in 100. Cellmark Diagnostics, one of the laboratories that found matches between O.J. Simpson's DNA and DNA extracted from a recovered blood stain at the murder scene, reported its own false positive rate to the Simpson defense as roughly 1 in 200.
It gets even worse. In 1999, the College of American Pathologists performed its own secret tests of 135 labs. Each lab was sent a DNA sample from the "victim," some semen from the "suspect," and a fake vaginal swab containing DNA from both parties. They were also sent a strand of the "victim's" hair. The object was to see how many of the labs would make the matches (ie, match the two sperm samples of the man, and match the hair and DNA sample of the woman). But something unexpected happened: Three of the labs reported that the DNA from the suspect matched the victim's DNA! Obviously, they had mixed up the samples. Only fourteen labs tested the hair, but out of those, one screwed it up by declaring a match to the "suspect."
These kind of switches don't happen only during artificial situations designed to gauge a lab's accuracy (which are usually performed under ideal conditions). During a 1995 rape trial, a lab reversed the labels on the DNA samples from the victim and the defendant. Their testing then revealed a match between the defendant's alleged DNA (which was actually the victim's) and the DNA on the vaginal swab, which didn't contain any semen from the rapist. Luckily, this boneheaded move was caught during the trial, but not everyone is so lucky.
The Journal of Forensic Science has reported an error that was discovered only after an innocent man had been convicted of raping an 11-year-old girl and sentenced to prison, where lie was undoubtedly brutalized in ways that would give you nightmares for the rest of your life, were you to hear them described in detail. After four years, he was released because the lab hadn't completely separated the real rapist's DNA (extracted from his semen) from the victim's DNA. When the two were swirled together, they somehow matched that of the poor bastard whose eleven alibi witnesses failed to sway the jury. But when the semen DNA was checked properly, it was beyond doubt that a match didn't exist.
While most false matches are the result of human error, other factors do come into play. Some testing techniques are more definitive than others. In the case of one innocent man — Josiah Sutton, found guilty of rape based primarily on DNA evidence — criminology professor William C. Thompson said: "If police picked any two black men off the street, the chances that one of them would have a DNA profile that 'matched' the semen sample as well as Sutton's profile is better than one in eight." Also, we mustn't forget about corruption. In some known cases, DNA analysts have misrepresented (ie, lied about) their findings in order to obtain convictions.

The world cares very little about what a man or woman knows; it is what a man or woman is able to do that counts.


We would be a lot safer if the Government would take its money out of science and put it into astrology and the reading of palms. Only in superstition is there hope. If you want to become a friend of civilization, then become an enemy of the truth and a fanatic for harmless balderdash.

Next time you get a prescription filled, look at the label very carefully. Getting the wrong drug or the wrong dosage kills hundreds or thousands of people each year, with many times that number getting injured.
Renegade health reporter Nicholas Regush — a self-imposed exile from ABC News — provides long list of specific problems:

Poor handwriting. Verbal orders. Ambiguous orders. Prescribing errors. Failure to write orders. Unapproved uses. When the order is not modified or cancelled. Look-alike and sound-alike drug names. Dangerous abbreviations. Faulty drug distribution systems in hospital. Failure to read the label or poor labeling. Lack of knowledge about drugs. Lack of knowledge concerning proper dose. Lack of knowledge concerning route of administration. Ad nauseam.

Men become superstitious, not because they have too much imagination, but because they are not aware that they have any.

After pouring over death certificates, sociology professor David Philips — an expert in mortality statistics — determined that drug errors kill 7,000 people each year in the US. His study was published in The Lancet, probably the most prestigious medical journal in the world. The Institute of Medicine, a branch of the National Academies of Science, also estimated 7,000. Interestingly, the Food and Drug Administration published the lowball figure of 365 annually (one per day). But even the FDA admits that such bungling injures 1.3 million people each year.
New York Newsday cited several specific cases, such as: "In 1995, a Texas doctor wrote an illegible prescription causing the patient to receive not only the wrong medication, but at eight times the drug's usually recommended strength. The patient, Ramon Vasquez, died. In 1999, a court ordered the doctor and pharmacy to pay the patient's family a total of $450,000, the largest amount ever awarded in an illegible prescription case."
Besides doctors' indecipherable chicken scratch, similar-sounding drug names are another big culprit. Pharmaceutical companies have even started warning medical professionals to be careful with the cookie-cutter names of their products. In a typical example, Celebrex, Cerebyx, Celexa, and Zyprexa sometimes get confused. (Respectively, they're used to treat arthritis, seizures, depression, and psychosis.) According to WebMD: "Bruce Lambert, an assistant professor of pharmacy administration at the University of Illinois at Chicago, says there are 100,000 potential pairings of drug names that could be confused."

Man is so muddled, so dependent on the things immediately before his eyes, that every day even the most submissive believer can be seen to risk the torments of the afterlife for the smallest pleasure.


Sympathetic people often don't communicate well, they back reflected images which hide their own depths.

The earthshaking news appeared in the medical journal Human Reproduction under the impenetrable headline: "Mitochondria in Human Offspring Derived From Ooplasmic Transplantation." The media put the story in heavy rotation for one day, then forgot about it. We all forgot about it.
But the fact remains that the world is now populated by dozens of children who were genetically engineered. It still sounds like science fiction, yet it's true.
In the first known application of germline gene therapy — in which an individual's genes are changed in a way that can be passed to offspring — doctors at a reproductive facility in New Jersey announced in March 2001 that nearly 30 healthy babies had been born with DNA from three people: dad, mom, and a second woman. Fifteen were the product of the fertility clinic, with the other fifteen or so coming from elsewhere.
The doctors believe that one cause for failure of women to conceive is that their ova contain old mitochondria (if you don't remember your high school biology class, mitochondria are the part of cells that provides energy). These sluggish eggs fail to attach to the uterine wall when fertilized. In order to soup them up, scientists injected them with mitochondria from a younger woman. Since mitochondria contain DNA, the kids have the genetic material of all three parties. The DNA from the "other woman" can even be passed down along the female line.
The big problem is that no one knows what effects this will have on the children or their progeny. In fact, this substitution of mitochondria hasn't been studied extensively on animals, never mind homo sapiens. The doctors reported that the kids are healthy, but they neglected to mention something crucial. Although the fertility clinic's technique resulted in fifteen babies, a total of seventeen fetuses had been created. One of them had been aborted, and the other miscarried. Why? Both of them had a rare genetic disorder, Turner syndrome, which only strikes females. Ordinarily, just one in 2,500 females is born with this condition, in which one of the X chromo-somes is incomplete or totally missing. Yet two out of these seventeen fetuses had developed it.
If we assume that nine of the fetuses were female (around 50 percent), then two of the nine female fetuses had this rare condition. Internal documents from the fertility clinic admit that this amazingly high rate might be due to the ooplasmic transfer.
Even before the revelation about Turner syndrome became known, many experts were appalled that the technique had been used. A responding article in Human Reproduction said, in a dry understatement: "Neither the safety nor efficacy of this method has been adequately investigated." Ruth Deech, chair of Britain's Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority, told the BBC: "There is a risk, not just to the baby, but to future generations which we really can't assess at the moment."
The number of children who have been born as a result of this technique is unknown. The original article gave the number as "nearly thirty," but this was in early 2001. At that time, at least two of the mutant children were already one year old.
Dr. Joseph Cummin, professor emeritus of biology at the University of Western Ontario, says that no further information about these 30 children has appeared in the medical literature or the media. As far as additional children born with two mommies and a daddy, Cummin says that a report out of Norway in 2003 indicated that ooplasmic transfer has been used to correct mitochondrial disease. He opines: "It seems likely that the transplants are going on, but very, very quietly in a regulatory vacuum, perhaps."

The people that I care about are the people out there on the street. I can identify with them. The capacity to give one's attention to a sufferer is a very rare and difficult thing; it is almost a miracle; it is a miracle. Nearly all those who think they have this capacity do not possess it. Warmth of heart, impulsiveness, pity are not enough.

STRESSing distress for better health.

We confide in our strength, without boasting of it; we respect that of others, without fearing it.

Stress has become a common complaint of life in the fast lane. We don’t have enough time, take on too much, worry about health and wealth, and feel overwhelmed and stressed out on a regular basis. Sound familiar? According to recent reports, 43 per- cent of all adults suffer the adverse health effects of stress, and stress-related ailments account for 75–90 percent of all visits to physicians. These numbers have been steadily climbing over the past few decades.

Understanding Stress
Stress, as defined by Hans Selye, an Austrian-born Canadian physician who studied the physiological and biochemical results of stress and anxiety, is “the non-specific response of the body to any demand placed upon it.” He claimed that it isn’t stress that harms us but distress, a phenomenon that occurs when we have prolonged emotional stress and don’t deal with it in a positive manner. In other words, stress is not an external force but rather how we react to external stimuli—how we feel and respond to traffic, deadlines at work, or any event that we perceive as stressful.

Stress and Disease
In response to stress, the body releases stress hormones—adrenaline, noradrenalin, and cortisol—to prepare the body to fight, hence this is known as the fight or flight response. Heart rate, blood pressure, and lung tone increase to enhance the function of the heart and lungs. This innate reaction served us well many centuries ago when we had to fight off wild animals and protect our villages. Stress today, however, is very different. It is chronic, pervasive, and insidious because it stems primarily from psychological rather than physical threats and has far reaching effects on our health.
Numerous studies have linked stress to heart disease, cancer, diabetes, high cholesterol and blood pressure, anxiety, depression, memory loss, insomnia, muscle tension, obesity, fatigue, low libido, erectile dysfunction, menstrual cycle disturbances, and many more problems.

Stress Management
Stress can certainly take a toll on your body and mind, so it is absolutely crucial to find ways to cope effectively. Start by identifying your stressors and then look for ways to change your reaction to those situations. It may be a matter of analyzing and rethinking your natural reaction, avoiding certain situations, or utilizing one of the following stress-reducing strategies.

Seeking help from a counsellor or psychologist can be very helpful to learn coping techniques and strategies.

Meditation is the practice of focusing the mind and consciously relaxing the body for a sustained period. This is common among Eastern cultures and is gaining popularity in North America. Focusing on a single object or your breath or a sound occupies your mind and diverts it from the problems that are causing you stress. Many studies have found this an effective and practical way to manage stress. All you need is a quiet, comfortable area. Sit down and close your eyes. Relax all your muscles starting with your feet and working up. Focus your attention on your breathing or a calming sight or sound. Breathe in slowly and deeply and then out. Do this for 10 or 20 min- utes. You can do this when feeling stressed, or make a habit of meditating once or twice a day for better health and relaxation.

Breathing Techniques
Taking slow, controlled breaths is a great way to promote calming when feeling stressed or anxious. Sit down comfortably and close your eyes. Place the tip of your tongue against the roof of your mouth just behind your front teeth. Begin by exhaling through your mouth around your tongue, then close your mouth and inhale deeply through your nose for four seconds. Hold your breath for five seconds and then completely exhale through your mouth, making a whoosh sound. Repeat this cycle four or five times. This technique can be done any time or anywhere.

Getting regular exercise is a great way to reduce stress, promote calming, and improve both physical and emotional well-being. Exercise can help elevate your mood, lessen anxiety and anger, and increase blood flow to the muscles, which tend to be tense from stress. Walking, cycling, swimming, and dancing are just a few examples of stress-busting activities. Keep in mind, though, that you also need to find ways to change your reaction to stress (counselling). Yoga and tai chi are excellent forms of exercise to promote relaxation, as they incorporate breathing and visualization.

This technique involves concentrating on images in your mind that make you feel calm and relaxed. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and visualize a picture or event that made you feel calm and centred. Focus on the details—the sounds, images, and smells.
Other Considerations
• Massage, acupuncture, and acupressure promote relaxation of the body and mind.
• Supplements that help relieve stress include theanine, B-vitamins, and magnesium.
This is discussed further in Section 3 of this book.
• Learn to say no. Taking on too much leads to feeling overwhelmed and pressed for
time. Being able to say no (no excuse needed) when asked to take on a new task
will make you feel empowered and relieved.
• Avoid negativity, as negative people, places, and events can create stress.
• Channel stress in positive ways—exercise, paint, or clean your house.
• Talk about it—share your feelings and concerns and get support from friends, family, or a therapist.

Improving the quality of your sleep and dealing more effectively with stress will bring many health rewards—fewer physical and emotional ailments and overall im- proved well-being. Identify the areas where you are struggling, seek help, and work on adopting positive changes.

I can sympathize with everything, except suffering.

SLEEP well, refresh and start afresh.

In giving freedom to the slave, we assure freedom to the free -- honorable alike in what we give and what we preserve.

Sleep is one of the body’s most basic needs for health and well-being, yet with today’s busy lifestyles, sleep deprivation has become all too common. In fact, nearly half of all adults report having difficulty sleeping.
While we think of sleep as a relaxing and passive state, there is actually quite a lot going on in the body during sleep.

There are five stages of sleep defined by brain wave activity, muscle tone, and eye movement.

Stage one is referred to as drowsy sleep and represents the onset of sleep. During stage two, conscious awareness of the external environment disappears. During stages three and four, the body goes into a deeper sleep, and the brain produces what are called delta waves. Delta sleep is our deepest sleep, the point when our brain waves are least like what they are when we are awake. It is during this time that the body’s major organs and regulatory systems are busy working on repair and regeneration and certain hormones, such as growth hormone, are secreted. Stage five, known as REM (rapid eye movement), is the stage during which we dream.

The exact amount of sleep needed varies among individuals, but is thought to be between seven and nine hours. Getting less than six hours is associated with health problems.
An occasional sleepless night is not a concern, but persistent difficulty in falling asleep, waking up too early, awakening frequently during the night, or waking up feeling tired and not refreshed could indicate insomnia.

Lack of sleep, particularly deep (delta) sleep, not only makes us feel tired, but it has serious consequences such as memory loss, poor concentration, depression, headache, irritability, increased response to stress, high blood pressure, depressed immune function, and low libido. More recently sleep deprivation has been linked to obesity due to hormonal changes that reduce metabolism and increase appetite. Animal studies have also shown that sleep deprivation can lead to death within two to three weeks—a similar time frame for death due to starvation.

Causes of Insomnia
There are many factors that can affect the quality of sleep such as stress, medical problems (depression, anxiety), medications, alcohol, poor nutrition, noise/light, the need to go to the bathroom during the night, and poor sleep hygiene (going to bed at different times).
Tips for a Better Night’s Rest
For a good night’s sleep, consider the following:
• Establish a regular bedtime and wake time.
• Do relaxing activities before bed—read a book, have a warm bath, or meditate.
• Reserve your bedroom for intimacy and sleep only. Don’t watch TV, read, or do
computer work in your bedroom.
• Make your bedroom dark, quiet, and comfortable.
• Avoid caffeine (coffee, tea, pop, chocolate) and smoking within four hours of bed-
time, as this can affect your ability to fall asleep.
• Avoid alcohol; it may help you fall asleep, but drinking alcohol causes nighttime wakening and reduces sleep quality.
• Exercise regularly early in the day. Do not exercise in the evening, as this can be stimulating.
• If you work shifts or travel to different time zones, try a supplement of melatonin (a hormone naturally secreted in response to darkness), as it helps promote good sleep.

It takes 26 muscles to smile, and 62 muscles to frown, sleep well to manifest both vibrantly.

Friday, 25 May 2012


Seeing is not always believing.
We are so constituted that we believe the most incredible things; and, once they are engraved upon the memory, woe to him who would endeavor to erase them.
It is a difficult matter to argue with the belly since it has no ears.

Hippocrates wisely stated back in 400 BC, “Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.” Modern research has validated this doctrine. Today we know that what we eat is a major determinant of health, and that food provides both nutritive and healing properties.
Functional foods, as defined by the International Food Information Council, are “foods or dietary components that may provide a health benefit beyond basic nutri- tion.” In other words, these foods provide more than just vitamins and minerals; they contain compounds that have beneficial actions in the body and can reduce the risk of chronic disease. These are foods that you want to include more of in your daily diet. Below are some examples of functional foods and their associated health benefits.

• Apples provide both soluble and insoluble fibre (one medium apple with skin pro- vides about 3 g of fibre). Apple skins are a major food source of a type of flavonoid called quercetin, which is a potent antioxidant that helps protect against heart disease and cancer. These flavonoids, along with vitamin C, give apples immune-bolstering properties. Phenolic compounds found in apple skins provide protection against many chronic diseases and have recently been found to provide UVB sun protection. So there is a lot of truth to the saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Fuji apples have the highest concentration of phenolic and flavonoid compounds, but Red Delicious apples are also quite high.

• Berries, cherries, and red grapes contain plant pigments called anthocyanidins, which give these fruits their radiant red and purple colour. Anthocyanidins have antioxidant properties, preventing free radical damage and reducing the risk of chronic disease. These compounds are also important for proper brain and blood vessel function.

• Broccoli contains sulphoraphane and indole-3 carbinol, antioxidants that neutral- ize free radicals, enhance detoxification, and may reduce the risk of cancer. These compounds are found in other cruciferous vegetables, such as kale, cauliflower, and cabbage. Try to have a serving of these foods every day.

• Carrots are an excellent source of many antioxidant compounds, particularly beta-carotene, which is part of the carotenoids. Carotenoids help protect against cardiovascular disease, cancer, macular degeneration, and cataracts, and they also promote good night vision. New research is looking at the effects of another phytonutrient in carrots, called falcarinol, and its ability to reduce the risk of colon cancer. To get the maximum amount of nutrients from carrots, eat them raw or lightly steamed.

• Chocolate and cocoa provide various flavonoids that provide antioxidant benefits for the heart and other organs. Dark chocolate contains more antioxidants and less fat than milk chocolate. Look for products that contain 70 percent or more cocoa.

• Citrus fruits contain flavanones (a type of flavonoid), antioxidants that reduce free radicals, prevent cellular damage, and boost defences against viral infections. Oranges, grapefruit, lemons, and limes offer a wide range of nutrients (vitamin C, folate, and fibre).

• Collard greens and kale contain plant pigments called lutein and zeaxanthin, which are important for eye health and can reduce the risk of macular degeneration (age- related blindness). Supplements of lutein have been shown to improve vision in those with macular degeneration and prevent disease progression. One to two serv- ings of kale or collard greens per week provide the recommended amount of lutein and zeaxanthin. Other food sources include spinach, broccoli, and leeks, but they contain a lesser amount.

• Cranberries contain proanthocyanidins, which have been shown to reduce the risk of urinary tract infections. Preliminary research also shows that these compounds may help lower cholesterol, improve gum health, prevent ulcers, and prevent brain damage after a stroke. The bladder benefits are seen with one to two glasses of juice daily. Look for pure cranberry juice or low-sugar juice cocktail.

• Fish and fish oils contain omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA), which have been found to reduce risk of coronary heart disease. Specifically, they reduce triglycer- ides, increase HDL (good cholesterol), reduce inflammation, prevent clotting, and reduce blood pressure. They are also known to be beneficial for vision and brain health. Choose wild (not farmed) fish.
The recommended intake of fish oils for heart health is 1–3 g daily from supplements or one to two servings of fish per week. Sadly, our fish supply is contaminated with PCBs, dioxins, and pesticides, which increase the risk of cancer. Farmed fish, especially salm- on, contains the highest amount of toxins. Health authorities recommend consuming no more than six meals per year of farmed salmon. Wild Pacific salmon has fewer toxins and can be eaten once or twice a month. You can also get your omega-3s through a fish oil supplement. Look for a quality product that is tested for purity and provides at least DHA and EPA.

• Flaxseed provides lignans, plant compounds with antioxidant activity that may protect against heart disease and some cancers. (It lowers LDL cholesterol, total cholesterol, and triglycerides.) Flaxseed is a good source of dietary fibre (14 g of fibre per 50 g serving) and is thus used to relieve constipation and to treat ulcerative colitis and irritable bowel syndrome. Flaxseed also contains beneficial omega-3 fatty acids. To obtain all the benefits, eat the milled flaxseed or get whole seeds and crush them in a food processor or coffee grinder. Take 15 mL (1 tbsp) once or twice daily. Store milled seeds in the refrigerator or freezer in an opaque, airtight container; they will be stable for 90 days.

• Garlic contains sulphur compounds, which offer a number of health benefits. Studies have shown that garlic mildly reduces cholesterol, reduces LDL oxidation (atheroscle- rosis), prevents blood clotting, and fights cancer. It also possesses anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiviral effects. Studies have found benefits with as little as 900 mg of garlic per day, which is approximately equivalent to one clove.

• Ginger has a long history of use for relieving stomach problems. Clinical studies have validated its benefits for preventing the symptoms of motion sickness (especially seasickness) and in the treatment of nausea and vomiting associated with pregnan- cy. The active compounds in ginger, called gingerols, have potent anti-inflammatory effects, making it helpful in the treatment of arthritis and other inflammatory condi- tions. New research suggests that ginger may also help fight cancer. Choose fresh ginger over the dry (powder) form to maximize intake of the active compounds.

• Green tea is rich in catechins (a type of flavonoid) called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). This compound has been found to reduce the risk of certain cancers, reduce the size of existing tumours, and inhibit tumour growth. It also sup- ports heart function by lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk of fatal heart attacks. EGCG also supports nerve function and may benefit Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. Recently EGCG has been found to reduce body fat and improve metabolism. Most studies evaluating the health benefits of green tea in- volved drinking 750–2,500 mL daily. Black tea, white tea, Oolong tea, and other teas derived from the plant Camellia sinesis may offer similar health benefits but are not as widely researched.

• Oat bran contains a soluble fibre called beta-glucan, which has been shown to lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease. Studies have found that 3 g of beta-glucan daily can reduce total cholesterol by an average of 5 percent. This amount can be found in approximately 60 g of oatmeal or 40 g of oat bran. Other good forms of soluble fibre are psyllium, apples, and beans.

• Onions contain a variety of nutrients, such as vitamin C and chromium. Powerful sulphur compounds in onions are responsible for their pungent odour and for many of their health benefits. They can help reduce blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure. Onions provide a concentrated source of the flavonoid quercitin, which helps reduce inflammation and may halt the growth of cancer. Cooking meats with onions may help reduce the amount of carcinogens produced when meat is cooked at high heat. There are many varieties of onions. In general, the more pungent an onion, the more active compounds and health benefits it has.

• Soybeans contain isoflavones (daidzein and genistein), which help reduce choles- terol levels, fight cancer, increase bone density, and reduce menopausal symptoms. Research suggests that consuming 25 g of soy protein daily can provide a significant cholesterol-lowering effect. Aside from soybeans and tofu, you can get the benefits of soy protein by eating soy nuts, soy milk, soy yogurt, and bars and shakes con- taining soy protein.

• Tomatoes contain an antioxidant called lycopene, which has been found to reduce the risk of prostate and colon cancer, support prostate health, reduce blood clotting and inflammation, and reduce heart attack risk. Most studies found health benefits with an intake of 8–10 mg daily. Lycopene is also present in tomato sauce, tomato paste, and ketchup, which contain a higher amount of lycopene than fresh toma- toes. To obtain 10 mg of lycopene, you would have to eat about 10–15 raw tomatoes, 60 mL (2 oz.) of ketchup, or 20 mL (4 tsp) of tomato paste. Lycopene is also found in papaya, strawberries, watermelon, guava, and pink grapefruit.

• Yogurt contains active bacteria cultures known as probiotics or friendly bacteria, which improve gastrointestinal health (digestion and elimination) and immune function. These active cultures also help digest the naturally occurring sugar (lac- tose) in dairy products that causes bloating and diarrhea in some people. Avoid the “diet” or “light” yogurts, since they are sweetened with aspartame, a chemical whose safety in food is questionable. The amount of probiotics in yogurt varies with brand and storage. For this reason those looking for the consistent benefits of probiotics often opt for supplements.

Many compounds found in functional foods are available in supplement form. Supplements often provide a standardized amount of the active compounds, they are easy to take, and are a great way to complement the diet.
The health benefits make functional foods worthy of inclusion in your daily diet. Try to have a few each day. Look for organic products to reduce your exposure to harmful pesticides.

Man shall not live by bread alone.

People Getting Weaker In Hospitals.

Nothing ever becomes real till it is experienced -- even a proverb is no proverb to you till your life has illustrated it.

Most people who stay in the hospital for more than a couple of days go home weaker than when they came in. If you had surgery or needed treatment for a medical problem, your body used energy to help you heal. Spending long periods of time in bed also keeps your muscles from getting their daily work. They start to lose strength quickly. Doctors call this "deconditioning."

For many older people, deconditioning adds to the dangers of a hospital stay. Seniors who are already frail, or close to it, can't afford to lose any energy. Even a short hospital stay may be the tipping point from being able to function at home to needing a nursing home. Or it may lead to other medical problems that are severe and can't be reversed.

Anyone can recognize frailty when a person is very thin, can't get up out of a chair and shuffles along with a walker. But frailty sets in well before it gets this bad.

However, there is no standard way to define frailty. Features of frailty include:

A general decline in physical function

Increased risk of sickness and death

A reduced ability to fight off sickness and return to health

In the hospital, care is mostly focused on successful surgery or the right diagnosis and best treatment.

Getting the right nutrition and enough exercise during a hospital stay is a major challenge. Often patients cannot eat as they prepare for tests. Or they have a poor appetite that is related to the reason they are in the hospital.

Nurses and physical therapists try to have patients get out of bed as much as possible. This usually means sitting in a chair, with an occasional short walk. Usually the pace is a very slow stroll. Hospital units were never designed with exercise in mind.

It's good news that some hospitals are taking steps to make it easier for patients to exercise more and boost their calorie intake. However, many patients will arrive too frail to take advantage of these efforts. Avoiding frailty must begin long before any unexpected hospital stays.

To help prevent frailty before a serious illness or hospital stay:

Choose a variety of healthy foods. If you are on a special diet, your doctor may loosen up his diet advice to be sure you get enough calories and proteins. Tell your doctor what foods you would like to eat. And don't skip meals.

Consider a high-calorie supplement drink. A can or two per day may be all you need.

Stay active. Exercise training decreases the risk of frailty even in the very old.

There is no "best" exercise routine. Any activity you enjoy can help you maintain muscle strength. For example, regular walks offer proven benefits. Start slowly, perhaps with a 10-minute walk. After a week or two, add five minutes to each walk, or add another walking day each week.

Doctors have known about the problem of hospital-related deconditioning for a long time. We have made progress, getting patients out of bed quickly even after major surgery. For some people, getting more exercise and better nutrition in the hospital is easy. But for many who are already frail or disabled, we will need to find some new ideas.

The biggest things are often the easiest to do because there is so little competition.

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Should You Talk With Your Kids About Pornography?

Appearance teaches, experience responds. So many worlds, so much to do, so little done, such things to be.

Teens are exposed to sexual material every day, but most parents are afraid to broach the topic of what is — and isn't — healthy sex.

In past generations a kid may have come across an old Playboy in Dad’s closet, but that was generally the extent of a child’s exposure to pornography. Thanks to the Internet, that has all changed. A recent survey published in Psychologies magazine found that almost one-third of 14- to 16-year-olds first looked at sexual images online when they were 10 or younger, and 81 percent have looked at online pornography on their own home computers.

The results are shocking, but even more shocking could be the images themselves. Not only do kids have 24/7 access, but the pornography itself has become more explicit and hardcore. In an attempt to “out-sex” the competition, pornography sites strive to be as kinky as possible. While this might drive traffic, it can be downright damaging to a teen’s budding sexual psyche. A teenager who has yet to experience sex, or is perhaps just testing the sexual waters, can be overloaded with sexual imagery that does not represent how real couples have sex.

That’s why it is so important that we talk to our teens about porn and healthy sex — what it is and what it is not — but most parents find that a very uncomfortable idea. The Psychologies survey also found that only 25 percent of parents have talked to their kids about pornography, meaning that most teens are left to figure out these complicated sexual messages on their own. Not only can this be highly confusing and scary, but it can forever change the way a teen thinks about sex, love, and relationships.

Here are some important things for parents to consider about teens and pornography:

To fear the worst oft cures the worse.

They are not even searching for it. Even teens who don’t access pornographic material by choice are often inundated with it. Spam e-mails containing X-rated material are sent to teenagers every day. Kids can be sitting there doing homework when suddenly an intrusive porn ad or e-mail pops up. Plus, with sexting on the rise, many teens even see pornographic photos in social media. The reality is that our teens are constantly exposed to pornography, whether by choice or by accident.
They need guidance. To complicate matters, most teens have no guidance when it comes to sifting through this inundation of sexual messages. While most adults realize that pornography isn’t a realistic interpretation of sexual activity between partners, teens do not have the maturity or the sexual experience to understand that. As a result, they get a very skewed idea of what sex is supposed to look like.
It puts tremendous pressure on them. Teens think they are supposed to look and behave like porn stars and that they’re abnormal if they’re not into wild sex or can't have orgasms at the drop of a hat. In addition, they interpret pornographic images to mean they should be open to everything from multiple partners to anal sex to bondage and discipline, dominance and submission, sadism and masochism (aka BDSM), and every other kinky activity that is featured. While these activities can be enjoyable for consenting adults, teens might wrongly think they “have” to do these things to be sexy and desirable…not realizing that many adults don’t enjoy every activity featured in porn.
It affects body image. Additionally, pornography can also negatively impact the body image of boys and girls alike. The girls look at porn and think they are meant to be hairless and have DD breasts and perfectly flat tummies. They think they have to loudly moan and coo and gyrate to please their partners, while boys watch these videos and think they are supposed to have extra-large penises and giant muscles to measure up. As a result, both boys and girls feel confused and inadequate. To make matters worse, safer-sex measures are generally not covered in pornography. You don’t see porn stars negotiating for condom use nor do you see condoms and dental dams being used for oral sex — meaning that teens will only be further challenged when confronting their own sexual choices and safer-sex practices.
It is so important for parents to talk to their teens about pornography and the messages (both explicit and implicit) in these videos and pictures. Talk about how pornography is not realistic and that real sex looks much, much different. Talk about how men and women don’t look like they do in porn, just like the average person doesn’t look like Angelina Jolie on the red carpet. Discuss the importance of safer-sex practices, and highlight the fact that the men and women in those films are actors. Talk about the importance of waiting to have sex and how important it is to have sex that is mutually enjoyable, consensual, and as safe as possible.

While it would be nice to shield our kids from pornographic images, the reality is the material is out there. But as parents we can offer our teens structure, guidance, and open, honest communication to help them understand these messages and protect their bodies and their minds.

Hasty climbers have sudden falls and prevention is better than porn.

Couples and Partners pairing forever

Perhaps our originality manifests itself most strikingly in what we do with that which we did not originate. To discover something wholly new can be a matter of chance, of idle tinkering, or even of the chronic dissatisfaction of the untalented.

COFFEE? For Life?

As life is action and passion, it is required of a man that he should share the passion and action of his time, at the peril of being not to have lived.

Did you ever wonder if all that coffee you drink might be bad for you?

Sure, it might make you jittery if you drink too much or if its particularly strong. And it might keep you up at night, especially if you drink it late in the day. But are there other, more important health consequences of drinking coffee every day?

A new study addresses this question. And its an important one: Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world.

The study, as published in the New England Journal of Medicine, compared the coffee consumption of more than 400,000 adults (ages 50 to 71) with their death rates over 13 years.

The initial results showed that coffee drinkers had a higher risk of death. But, before you swear off coffee, theres more to the story. It turned out that people who drank coffee also were more likely to smoke. Smoking is called a confounder a factor other than coffee that can affect the death rate of coffee drinkers when compared with nondrinkers. After accounting for smoking (and other confounders), coffee drinkers actually had a lower death rate than those who did not drink coffee. That was true for people who drank decaf, as well as people drinking caffeinated coffee. Comparing women who drank coffee with those who did not, the death rates were:

5% lower for those drinking 1 cup per day
13% lower for those drinking 2 or 3 cups per day
16% lower for those drinking 4 or 5 cups per day
15% lower for those drinking 6 or more cups per day
The findings were similar for men, though slightly less dramatic. Death rates were lower by 6% to 12% among coffee drinkers.

When researchers looked at specific causes of death, they found that coffee drinkers had lower rates of:

Heart disease
Lung disease
Injuries and accidents

Cancer deaths were similar in frequency among those who did or did not drink coffee.

Observing a lower death rate among coffee drinkers does not prove that coffee itself is responsible. A study of this type cannot determine cause and effect. But because these results come from a large, well-designed analysis, Id have to say its possible that drinking coffee might help you live longer!

I dont think this study should prompt a person who doesnt like coffee to start drinking it for their health. Coffee consumption can have side effects. Some people feel "hyper," sleep poorly or have heartburn if they drink coffee. And, as mentioned, this study cannot prove that coffee was even the reason that coffee drinkers died less often. The findings could have been due to a confounder that researchers didn't know about.

Still, this new study adds to the list of potential health benefits associated with coffee consumption. For example, prior studies have linked coffee consumption with lower risks of:

Liver disease (including cirrhosis and liver cancer)
Type 2 diabetes
Parkinsons disease
Aggressive types of prostate cancer
Its worth noting that, as found in this study, any benefit from coffee can be more than offset by smoking. If you smoke, make a commitment to quitting. Some people can do it on their own. But if you cant, talk to your doctor about ways to quit. These may include lifestyle changes (such as trying to surround yourself with nonsmokers), medications (such as nicotine patches) or both.

This new study should offer some measure of reassurance to those who enjoy coffee regularly. But it could have a bigger impact on finding new topics for future research. If coffee really does lower death risk, understanding how and why could lead to powerful new preventive and treatment options. The researchers who performed this study suggest that anti-oxidants in coffee (called polyphenols) might be responsible. Only additional research will help us learn if thats true.

There is the finest line between data and evidence.

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Think Fat, Think Healthy, Think Cost

Upscale people are fixated with food simply because they are now able to eat so much of it without getting fat, and the reason they don't get fat is that they maintain a profligate level of calorie expenditure. The very same people whose evenings begin with melted goats cheese...get up at dawn to run, break for a mid-morning aerobics class, and watch the evening news while racing on a stationary bicycle.

Swallow hard: Your grocery bill is getting more expensive. Healthy foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables are costly! Processed foods can seem less pricey. To keep our grocery bills in budget, do we need to make sacrifices in healthy eating?
A research has just put out a report to encourage healthy food purchases. They say that healthy food is not necessarily more expensive but to agree, you need to measure your food in terms of its nutritional value, not in terms of calories.

For the same price, you can get more processed foods salted and sweetened foods or high-fat foods than healthy foods. But that's only if you measure the food by calorie counts. But almost all Americans get enough calories. In fact, most of us get too many.

Food should be valued based on the nutrition it provides. To be fully nourished, you need to eat a balanced diet that includes portions from each food group, fruits and vegetables, proteins, grains, and dairy. Outside of the food groups are "empty calories." They come from "food waste"non-nutritious parts of food. Fats and sugars are considered non-nutritious.

Accordingly the Research reports, when you measure foods by how much of a "food group" portion they provide (price per average portion), you get more food for your money by buying fresh fruits and vegetables, meats or whole-grain foods, compared with processed foods or packaged snack foods. When you measure foods according to how much food they contain after you subtract any "food waste: (what is left is called the edible weight), you also come out ahead by spending on healthy foods.

Here are some ideas to improve your grocery shopping value:

Buy no soda. Added sugar increases your risk for high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity. The Nurses' Health Study found that women who drank one or more sodas or sweetened drinks daily were almost twice as likely to develop diabetes, compared with women who seldom drank soda. The women who drank sodas regularly also were about 10 pounds heavier on average. Drinking water is much cheaper than buying soda.

Put a limit on juices. Juices pack a lot of sugar and they carry little fiber. They give you calories but they don't fill you up. Juices should be limited, even for kids.

Always buy dairy. Milk products contain calcium and vitamin D, which are important for bone health. Keep low-fat or non-fat dairy options on hand. Having basic dairy ingredients and eggs in your refrigerator at all times may enable you to pull together a fairly healthy and low-cost meal at home instead of eating out.

It is probably not important to buy the more expensive hormone-free (r-BGH and r-BST free) milk. If they are present in milk, these hormones deteriorate in our digestive tracts when they are exposed to stomach acid and digestive enzymes. All milk on the grocery shelf as long as it is pasteurised is probably safe to buy.

Stay loyal to whole fruits and veggies. Fresh produce is best, but canned or frozen fruits or vegetables have almost equal nutritional value to fresh foods. Remember that you can freeze vegetables if you don't eat them right away.

Save on meats. You don't need much meat for a meal. Groceries package meats in large portions, but packaging doesn't have to determine your serving size. For example, I slice pork-chops into half-thickness slices, because they stretch farther.

Remember canned fish and clams, which can be lower-cost seafood items. Canned tuna is made from "throw-away" fish that are too small to be cut into steaks. Because it is from younger fish, canned tuna has less mercury contamination per serving than a tuna steak has.

Bring in the legumes. If you don't regularly cook or eat beans, lentils, garbanzos, hummus, dal or other legume foods, find a recipe or two to try. Legumes are a great source of protein, and they are not expensive.

Should you buy organic foods? Buying "organic" foods can steeply increase the price you pay. Don't buy organic foods if you need to cut down on the quantity of fruits and vegetables that you buy in order to afford them. Washing, peeling, freezing and cooking fruits and vegetables eliminates a portion of the pesticides. Animals that are raised for meat have higher pesticide residue in fat, so removing fat and skin from meat also reduces your pesticide exposure.

If you choose to spend extra on organic foods, buy the organic versions of the fruits and vegetables in the "dirty dozen." Experts from the Environmental Working Group say at least half of our pesticide exposure from food comes from these items.They are:
Sweet bell peppers
Grapes (imported)

Food labels (also called nutrition facts labels) are required by the Food and Drug Administrations and are now seen on every food that has been processed before purchase. Currently, these labels show the calorie count as well as how much of a days recommended daily allowance is provided. These labels might be more useful if they told us how much of a "food group portion" was contained in a usual serving. They should also tell how much "food waste" is contained in each serving and how many empty calories.

It is the mark of a mean, vulgar and ignoble spirit to dwell on the thought of food before meal times or worse to dwell on it afterwards, to discuss it and wallow in the remembered pleasures of every mouthful. Those whose minds dwell before dinner on the spit, and after on the dishes, are fit only to be scullions.
To eat is human, to digest divine and he who eats greedily alone chokes alone.

Blood Pressure on Genes or Family History.

No one would ever have crossed the ocean if he could have gotten off the ship in a storm.

Have you ever heard someone say, "Well, it's in my genes, so I guess there's nothing I can do"? Too often, people feel that if their parents have high blood pressure or diabetes or heart disease, they are destined to have it as well. Fortunately, this is simply not true. Studies show that "bad genes" can be offset by the good effects of healthy behaviors, such as:

Being physically active
Eating well
Not smoking
Maintaining a healthy body weight

A study in the American Heart Association's journal Hypertension reinforces this. Here's what we learn from the study:

Having a parent with high blood pressure does increase your chances of developing high blood pressure.
But being physically fit lowers your risk of developing high blood pressure.
Even if you have a family history of high blood pressure, you can make a big difference in lowering your chances of getting it - if you stay physically fit.
High blood pressure is a major risk factor for developing a heart attack or stroke. The most common risk factors for developing high blood pressure include:

Age - The risk of high blood pressure increases as we get older.
Race/ethnicity - Although high blood pressure can develop in adults of all races and ethnicities, high blood pressure is more common in blacks.
Being obese or overweight
Too much salt in your diet
Alcohol use
Lack of physical activity
Family history
Other medical issues, such as kidney problems, thyroid problems or pregnancy
Lowering blood pressure or preventing high blood pressure from developing in the first place can reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke. Even if one of your parents has high blood pressure, you still have the power to change your behavior and lower your own risk.

What changes can I make now?

Finding time to exercise and get physically fit can be challenging, but it's easier than you think. The official guidelines from the American Heart Association and the Centers for Disease control suggest:

"Vigorous" physical activity for 75 minutes each week running, jogging or biking

"Moderate" physical activity for 150 minutes each week walking or easy bike riding
If you cant reach these goals yet, dont worry. You have to start somewhere. Here are some tips:

Just move! Some activity is better than no activity.
Do an activity you love. Maybe you don't like to walk, run or do aerobics. So don't! Instead, take a dance class, ride your bike or climb the stairs at work during your lunch hour. Do you what you love and you will love what you do.
Book an appointment with yourself. Put an exercise appointment on your calendar. You wouldn't miss a doctor's appointment, would you? So why miss an appointment to get yourself healthy?

What can I expect looking to the future?

More research is showing that family history is an important predictor of disease. Despite this, research also is showing us that you have the power to change your behavior for the good to prevent disease.

Unfortunately, the health care system is set up to manage diseases after they develop. It is not designed to help you live healthy and stay healthy. But this is changing. Insurance companies are providing incentives for gym memberships. Large employers are offering wellness programs. Prevention of heart disease is becoming a greater focus as more of the population becomes obese or overweight and health care costs skyrocket.

High blood pressure remains a major cause of heart attacks and stroke. But you can reduce your risk by being more physically fit, even if high blood pressure runs in your family.

Diseases can be our spiritual flat tires - disruptions in our lives that seem to be disasters at the time but end by redirecting our lives in a meaningful way.

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Everyman's fearful wish

There is a remedy for everything; it is called death.
Death remains an ultimatum and beyond mortality there has and always remain shadowy rhetorics.
I thought of my fears, without anxiety, stress, depression and pressure. Nevertheless pain, tension, bitterness, anger and vengeance motivated fear that fills our mortal souls, that's all I thought of, with our wishes for and profoundly against death.

Inscribe your immortal wishes to share and compare with others. Let me start with my fears for and against the eminent and imminent ultimatum.

I wish death never wins.
I wish if there is a creator of humans and all living entities, then the must stand the chance of being made to taste death as much as we do.
I wish before we are born, we know when to expect the inevitable.
I wish I could avoid the deadly death.
I wish I could read my epitaph.
I'm not afraid of death but I am afraid of dying. Pain can be alleviated by morphine but the pain of social ostracism cannot be taken away.

( what are your wishes? ).

Monday, 21 May 2012

Cancer Symptoms: Warning Signs.

Worried about a strange, persistent pain in your abdomen, an unusual lump, or a feeling of utter exhaustion? Certain types of cancer have specific warning signs, while others may mimic common illnesses like the flu. These signs may all seem like minor, harmless ailments, but taken together they could point to cancer.

Cancer Symptoms: Warning Signs for Men

Many types of cancer, including prostate cancer, may not cause signs or symptoms in their early stages. If you’re at high risk for prostate cancer — for example, if you’re of African-American descent or have a family history of the disease — you should talk with your doctor about getting a prostate specific antigen (PSA) test. Elevated PSA levels may indicate cancer. Other warning signs that something may be wrong include bone pain, leg swelling, and trouble urinating.

"The most common symptom for men is a change in their [urination]," says Michael Fisch, MD, PhD, chair of the department of general oncology at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston.

Men should pay attention if they have trouble passing urine or they have a weak urine stream, "particularly when those changes are rapid in onset over a period of a few weeks," adds Dr. Fisch. Though these changes could be indications of an enlarged prostate, and not prostate cancer, “you don't know until you get it checked out," Fisch cautions.

Cancer Symptoms: Warning Signs for Women

Breast cancer is the most common cancer women face. Breast self-exams can spot unusual lumps, which should be taken very seriously, says Fisch. Any time you feel an abnormality, bump, or lump in the breast, you should see your doctor for a breast exam. A mammogram or other imaging test may also be needed to determine the cause.

Cancer Symptoms: Pain

"The most common kind of symptom that leads people to a cancer diagnosis is pain — an abnormal, painful sensation," says Fisch. But it can be difficult to differentiate between cancer pain and a more routine pain because pain is common — something we feel often throughout our life. "It is part of our ordinary experience to encounter pains now and again," Fisch says.

How can you tell the difference between everyday pain and pain that could be a possible cancer symptom? "The idea is to try to pay attention to pains that are either much more severe or much more persistent over time than you might expect based on your ordinary experience," says Fisch.

Signs that your pain may be due to cancer:

It can't be attributed to something specific, like an injury or overexertion
It persists and does not improve
It is severe
It interferes with sleep
It is coupled with other minor symptoms
Cancer Symptoms: Fatigue and Weight Loss

Feeling unusually tired without being able to pinpoint a cause — you're getting enough sleep, sleeping well, and are not sick — is another warning sign that cancer may be invading your body. It feels somewhat like the fatigue associated with the flu, notes Fisch, but without other flu symptoms.

As for weight loss, if you’re dieting and losing weight relatively slowly, like a pound or two a week, this is probably cause for celebration. But if weight loss happens very quickly or without much effort, it could be a warning sign. Weight loss that is just a little too easy or too quick can be a sign of cancer, says Fisch.

Cancer Symptoms: Add It All Up

Individually, these symptoms may be difficult to notice and may not even be a cause for concern. But if you notice a few small warning signs — maybe unexpected weight loss, feeling run-down or fatigued, or experiencing some strange pain — they may indicate that it's best to get to a doctor for a screening. This is especially important, says Fisch, for people who already know they're at risk for certain cancers, whether it's because of family history, lifestyle choices, or age.

You don't need to be paranoid about every little illness, ache, or pain, but you do need to listen to your body. If you listen carefully enough, you may catch those early cancer symptoms before real damage is done.
By D. Rodriguez.

Vigilance is the virtue of vice.
If one has to jump a stream and knows how wide it is, he will not jump. If he does not know how wide it is, he will jump, and six times out of ten he will make it.