Friday 28 November 2014


Time advances: facts accumulate; doubts arise. Faint glimpses of truth begin to appear, and shine more and more unto the perfect day. The highest intellects, like the tops of mountains, are the first to catch and to reflect the dawn. They are bright, while the level below is still in darkness. But soon the light, which at first illuminated only the loftiest eminences, descends on the plain, and penetrates to the deepest valley. First come hints, then fragments of systems, then defective systems, then complete and harmonious systems. The sound opinion, held for a time by one bold speculator, becomes the opinion of a small minority, of a strong minority, of a majority of mankind. Thus, the great progress can go on.

Have you ever been perplexed about taking or having been taking heart medications? Simply it's never easy, thinking about doing it or actually doing it. You'll likely have to remember multiple pills and specific instructions for each of them pills. 

What happens on the bright side is that, these medications, when taken correctly, can help manage or prevent heart disease, control blood pressure and cholesterol, and generally keep you healthy for years to come.

You probably know this. But you also need to know that if you take your medicines incorrectly, not only can heart disease and related health problems progress, but you may start to feel sick from progressing heart disease, drug interactions, or a side effect from your heart medications.

Correctly may seem simpler to just swallow all your pills at once whenever you think about it. But there's definitely a method to taking heart medications to maximise their effectiveness against your health problems and minimise their side effects.

When a blind man carries a lame man both go forward.

Here are some ways to prevent some of the most common mistakes people make when taking heart medications:

Make a habit of taking your medications as directed, every day. It can be easy to forget to take your heart medication but it can also be very serious to your health. Find a way to make remembering to take your heart medication easier, by doing it along with a daily activity like eating a meal or brushing your teeth. You can also group your medications in a daily pillbox, set an alarm on your watch or cell phone, or ask for reminders from a relation. 

Don't stop taking your medications unless your doctor tells you to. When you start feeling like yourself again, and when your blood pressure and cholesterol numbers improve, that doesn’t mean you're off the hook for your heart medication. Unless your doctor tells you to, never stop taking your heart medication or change the frequency with which you take it.

Get all your drugs at one pharmacy. Your pharmacist can help you keep track of your medications and spot any possible drug interactions. He can also help you identify any side effects that might be stemming from your heart medications. Rather than traveling all over town to several different pharmacies, fill all your prescriptions in one place to help you manage your medications better.
Don't forget your refills. Stay on top of how much medicine you have left, and refill prescriptions promptly. Don't wait until you run out, as you might not be able to get to the pharmacy and may miss a dose.
Be aware of possible side effects. 

Make a list of your medications. Taking multiple drugs increases the risk of drug interactions. Keeping a complete list of all the medications that you take and showing it to all your doctors at every visit can help reduce the likelihood of any new medication interacting with ones that you are already taking.

Though some problems are just too complicated for rational, logical solutions. They admit of insights, not answers, yet heart medications can cause some side effects that wouldn't take a miracle to acknowledge, so it's important to know what they are so that you can be on the lookout. Thus when naivety can always play the fatal blow, though trusting a specialist ain't an issue but ignoring to utter the WHY word could be disastrous at times. Even If you have not a minuscule of doubt about professionals you put in charge of your health and you happen to notice in yourself a feeling of little dizzy, coughing more often, or feeling a little nauseated, remember your heart medications have adverse effects. Ask your doctor or pharmacist what side effects are common, and speak with them if, before and when you start experiencing problems.

He that will not apply new remedies, must expect new evils: for Time is the greatest innovator: and if Time, of course, alter things to the worse, and wisdom and counsel shall not alter them to the better, what shall be the end?

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