Thursday 26 December 2013


Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right! You can think that's what matters. Undeserving or indefensible alterations in the brains of human beings with Dementia, may start years earlier in life before they have any symptoms of the disease, long before any of us realizes there's a condition affecting the normal capacity and functioning of our compos mentis ab initio.
Unless one is taught what to do with success after getting it, achievement of it must inevitably leave him prey to boredom.

With dementia ravaging the brain, more effects and symptoms begin to surface in a manifestation that puts a person in a diminutive being. We often hear of short term or long term memory lost, for real Forgetfulness is often the first symptom of dementia. Whether we maintain the difference between heaven and haven, yet too often, people with dementia get mesmerised into familiar settings, have trouble finding their keys and other items, and ask the same questions repeatedly. Not that everybody else without the condition, won't experience the state  of lost or feeling of misplacing items right under our noses. The fact is we will always or at a point in time have difficulties with certain level or type of orientation, but initial dementia is about how frequent these difficulties occur and successful we are able to handle such lapses and recover into normal mentality.

Caution has its place, no doubt, but we cannot refuse our support to a serious venture which challenges the whole of the personality. If we oppose it, we are trying to suppress what is best in man his daring and his aspirations. And should we succeed, we should only have stood in the way of that invaluable experience which might have given a meaning to life. What would have happened if Obama had allowed himself to be talked out of his political idiosyncrasies.

It is very difficult emotionally to cope with any condition that has been labelled progressive, but certainly dementia becomes worse over time. The person with Dementia in stages and the heart breaking aspect is the yet to find cure scientific notion of it, a transition early or initial stage, the moderate stage, severe stage and worse of it where professionals seem to irate it woefully wrong, the end stage of dementia, by opting to give up for poor reflex or poor intake of food and fluids. It gets worse when people are rushed into palliative care and much more scary when a person awaits death nil by mouth due to dementia. Somehow this deterioration might progress within several years.

There are good and bad times, but our mood changes more often than our fortune.

During dementia the incomprehensible, damage affects parts of the brain that control different functions and exhibits inconsistent, unusual or challenging behaviour as a reaction to rectify the degradation of one's brain.

Memory. People may forget details about their past, as those particular memory cells die.

Difficulty with chores. People with dementia may have trouble doing egotistic tasks with multiple steps, 

Cleaning the house.
Getting dressed.
Using the telephone.
Communication problems. 
Have trouble finding the right word.
Lose track of what they were planning to say.
Struggle to understand what other people are saying to them.

Behavior issues. People with dementia become frustrated or angry more easily.
See or hear things that aren't really there.
Seem paranoid about unreal threats.
Act impulsively.
Wander away from home and get lost.

We must not lose insight of the fact that these diseases exist well outside dementia but they only victimise the dementia condition in a person, just like pushing a prone to fall patient.
With a silver lining, people with dementia can still remember details about their lives and the people around them. They can take care of some tasks on their own.

It must be that evil communications corrupt good dispositions.

Physically someone with dementia would certainly develop other health issues.

Weight loss.
Skin infections.
Mobility deterioration.
Sleep changes. 

Watch out. Dementia lives but next door. Brains aren't designed to get result; they go in directions. If you know how the brain works you can set your own directions. If you don't, then something else will.

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