Sunday 16 September 2012


The power in which we must have faith if we would be well, is the creative and curative power which exists in every living thing.

Possibly most of us have experienced a pimple, a spot or the favourite bump, lumpy and protrusions of humpy kyphosis feeling, we all been there and felt it.

A Boil, also called a furuncle, is a deep folliculitis, infection of the hair follicle. It is most commonly caused by infection by the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus, resulting in a painful swollen area on the skin caused by an accumulation of pus and dead tissue.

Be careful how you live; you will be the only Bible some people ever read.

Bacterial infections or the inflammation of one or more hair follicles can result in the formation of a boil. They are usually painful and can be quite distressing, especially if they are recurring, which possibly occurs most of the time. A boil generally starts off as an inconspicuous pink and tender bump, localized to one area. This soon develops into a firm, hard, inflamed lump that is filled with bacteria fighting white blood cells and dead skin tissue (pus).

Excellence is rarely found, more rarely valued.

The affected area usually gets larger and more painful until the boil bursts and the pus is able to drain. While some boils disappear within a few days, many can take up to two weeks to heal, which can be very painful and frustrating and beware of further infections.

Do more than you're supposed to do and you can have or be or do anything you want.

Boils can occur anywhere on the skin, although they tend to develop on the face, neck, armpits, buttocks, or thighs. They also occur most frequently in areas containing hair and, or sweat glands, or in areas where chafing or recurrent friction occurs, thus a major cause of skin boils. In some cases, boils can occur in interconnected clusters called carbuncles. In severe cases, they can develop into abscesses.

Resolve to make each day the very best and don't let anyone or anything get in your way. If they do, step on them.

While anyone can develop boils and carbuncles, people who have diabetes, a suppressed immune system, poor hygiene, acne, or other skin problems are at a higher risk.

The principle is competing against yourself. It's about self improvement, about being better than you were the day before.

Most boils can be adequately treated at home, and usually run their course and heal without medical attention. However, in some cases, you may need to visit a general practitioner to avoid complications.

Your doctor will examine the affected area to confirm diagnosis, and generally no other diagnostic tests are necessary. Skin boil treatment is generally simple and can be managed at home.

Always initiate from where another gave up.

Seriously watch out for cases where,

Fever occurs.

The boil occurs between the buttocks.

The boil is very painful and not improving.

The boil worsens rapidly.

You have frequent boils.

There are red lines radiating from the boil, which suggests that the infection may have entered the bloodstream.

You have an underlying condition, resulting in immune deficiency.

There is always a best way of doing everything.

The main cause of skin boils is generally due to an infection of a hair
follicle, which can occur for a number of reasons.

An ingrown hair.

A splinter or other piece of foreign material that has penetrated the skin.

Blocked sweat glands that become infected.

Chafing clothes.

Poor hygiene, so much self inflicted.

A lowered immune system.


Malnutrition (Vitamin Deficiencies).

Excellence is to do a common thing in an uncommon way.

By boosting the immune system, you’ll be able to prevent boils and recurrent infections.

Always expect the worst, and you will never be disappointed.

You should not squeeze or attempt to pop a boil if it is hard and firm, as boils should only be drained once they have become soft or once a head has formed. It is recommended to leave the boil to burst on its own to reduce the spread of infection to other areas.

By asking for the impossible we obtain the best possible.

If the boil requires some medical intervention, your doctor may drain it by making a small incision on the tip of the boil. This will help speed up the recovery, reduce pressure and pain, and it helps to lessen scarring. If the infection is especially deep, a small amount of gauze can be placed over the boil so that it can continue to drain. In addition, a course of oral or topical antibiotics may be prescribed to help rid you of severe or recurrent infections. If boils are a recurrent problem, your doctor may also suggest vitamin supplements (especially vitamin A and E) and tests may be done to determine if you have an underlying condition that may be compromising your immune system.

Even if it is to be, what end do you serve by running to distress?

Surgery is one of the last measures taken to prevent recurrent boils. This may include the surgical removal of the sweat glands in the area of the skin that is frequently infected.

Good is not good, when better is expected.


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